The story of Brandon and Jacqueline happened over a series of years with their paths crossing several times before officially meeting...
Brandon and Jacqueline's first crossing was when they were both in the second grade and made their First Holy Communion together at St. John's Seminary College. Not realizing it, the two were separated into groups the day of their ceremony and they didn't even know until years later that they were in the same class.
Brandon and Jacqueline finally officially met at Adolfo Camarillo High School during their sophomore year. Through mutual friends and classes Brandon and Jacqueline became friends but it wasn't until Brandon joined the cross country and track team that they started seeing each other on a regular basis. Seeing each other more frequently was easier with Jacqueline's father being Brandon's coach and teacher at ACHS. It became obvious that the two cared for each other very much and they dated through the end of high school and graduated together in 2002.
Now inseparable Brandon got an athletic scholarship to UCI and went away to school. Jacqueline stayed locally and attended Moorpark College, later transferring to SDSU. Although the separation was hard on them, they managed to continue their relationship through long phone calls, a lot of weekend driving, and yes, even love letters.
When Jacqueline graduated college she moved back to Camarillo, where Brandon was already living again. Finally in the same town, she and Brandon were able to strengthen their relationship. After a short time the couple was finally engaged. It only took 10 years of dating to get to where they are now.
The Sacrament of marriage will take place St. Mary Magdalen in Camarillo and the reception will be taken place at Hartley Botanica in Somis.
Some of my favorites of the day.
This is Hartley what a great dog!!
Brandon and Jacqueline's first crossing was when they were both in the second grade and made their First Holy Communion together at St. John's Seminary College. Not realizing it, the two were separated into groups the day of their ceremony and they didn't even know until years later that they were in the same class.
Brandon and Jacqueline finally officially met at Adolfo Camarillo High School during their sophomore year. Through mutual friends and classes Brandon and Jacqueline became friends but it wasn't until Brandon joined the cross country and track team that they started seeing each other on a regular basis. Seeing each other more frequently was easier with Jacqueline's father being Brandon's coach and teacher at ACHS. It became obvious that the two cared for each other very much and they dated through the end of high school and graduated together in 2002.
Now inseparable Brandon got an athletic scholarship to UCI and went away to school. Jacqueline stayed locally and attended Moorpark College, later transferring to SDSU. Although the separation was hard on them, they managed to continue their relationship through long phone calls, a lot of weekend driving, and yes, even love letters.
When Jacqueline graduated college she moved back to Camarillo, where Brandon was already living again. Finally in the same town, she and Brandon were able to strengthen their relationship. After a short time the couple was finally engaged. It only took 10 years of dating to get to where they are now.
The Sacrament of marriage will take place St. Mary Magdalen in Camarillo and the reception will be taken place at Hartley Botanica in Somis.
Some of my favorites of the day.
This is Hartley what a great dog!!
Thank you So much for spending a delightful afternoon with me!! : )
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1 comment:
Querida Gloria, que imágenes tan elegantes...
tus post nunca defraudan, tienes un trabajo muy inspirador!!!
Siempre es un placer visitarte.
un abrazo
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